About the Sacramento Tall Club

The Sacramento Tall Club is a social club where tall men and women can get together for the purpose of cultivating friends and common interests and to sponsor cultural and social activities where we can share good times and revel in our special attribute. Although the club is comprised mostly of singles, married couples are welcome just as well. The club was established in 1982, and we currently have almost 100 members.

The Sacramento Tall Club is a member in good standing of Tall Clubs International (TCI). The very first tall club was founded by Kae Sumner Einfeldt in 1938 and became the California Tip Toppers, which is still in existence today. In 1947 the tall club movement had spread and a group of clubs formed the American Affiliation of Tall Clubs (AATC). Later this was changed to the name used today, Tall Clubs International.

Currently TCI is comprised of about 54 tall clubs like ours spread throughout the United States and Canada. There are also tall clubs in several countries in Europe, including Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria and several clubs in Germany, who gather for a big European Tall Club convention each year. So, wherever you may travel, you’re bound to be near tall friends who enjoy being together. Many of the TCI clubs sponsor special weekend events in their area and members of our club (or another tall club in TCI) are welcome to join in the fun. Go to the TCI Weekends webpage for more information. Also, TCI holds an annual week-long convention, usually in June or July, sponsored by one of the TCI member clubs. Many activities are planned including a pageant to crown the new Miss Tall International, a delegates meeting, an awards banquet and lots of fun activities and parties. It is a great way to meet our fellow tall club members from all over the world. Go to the TCI Convention webpage for all the details about the next convention.

One thing we’re proud of is the number of special relationships that have formed among people in our club. Many of our singles have found that special person and several of them have decided to tie the knot. In any case, the club is definitely a great place to meet quality people and make great friendships that will last for years!

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What we do

We put on all kinds of events in an interest to satisfy the variety of tastes of our club members. Several times a month we try to have get-togethers at fun places such as bar and grills, interesting restaurants, night clubs, and whatever else we can think of that’s likely to be fun and enjoyable. We have many different kinds of house parties on weekends, and we get in on different events going on around town. We also go on camping trips and day-trips to interesting places. We do a lot of dancing, and we go to concerts in the park, take bike rides, have pool parties, go bowling, play billiards, and much more. And we always gladly take suggestions from our members for other events they would like to see our club participate in. We also have a special weekend each year (see our photos of the Ruckus on the River weekend) that is not to be missed! And you can always get in on what other tall clubs in the area are doing also.

On top of that, we get involved in volunteer work for the community, and we help raise money for important causes, such as scholarships for outstanding tall students and Marfan syndrome. We have even adopted a giraffe at the Sacramento Zoo and sponsor a mile along the American River Parkway. It’s very rewarding to participate in helping a good cause like one of these!

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Who may join

Anyone at least 21 years of age may join if they meet the height requirements. Women must be at least 5′ 10″ tall, and men must be at least 6′ 2″. (Measurements are taken barefoot.) However, if you are a spouse of a regular member, you may still be an associate member if you don’t meet the height requirement.

You are always welcome to our events as a prospect until you are voted in as a member. First-time prospects are never charged for house parties or most other events. It costs nothing to just come check us out!

How to contact us