We’ve shared most of our photos on Facebook and Meetup. For your convenience, here are some thumbnails and links to a few of our events from the past:

December 14, 2013: Toys from Christmas Party |

October, 2013: Ruckus 2013 Misc. Photos |

October 13, 2013: Ruckus By The River Sunday Breakfast |

October 12, 2013: Ruckus By The River Saturday Breakfast Prep |

October 11, 2013: Ruckus by the River, After-Hours |

October 11, 2013: Ruckus by the River, River City Brewery Company |

August 31, 2013: Early morning cooking of the pig for MAP |

July 7, 2013: Modeling t-shirts we had made for the TCI convention celebrating 75 years of Tall Clubs |

July 6, 2013: Club Fundraiser event in the park next to the MarketPlace Folsom |

January 3, 2010: Brunch at Thunder Valley |

February 7, 2010: Super Bowl Sunday Party |

February 20, 2010: Bowling at Country Club Lanes |

March 6, 2010: Dim Sum at the Rice Bowl |

March 13, 2010: St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Party |

March 14, 2010: KVIE pledge drive |

March 20, 2010: Glow Bowling |

March 26, 2010: KOVR’s Good Day Sacramento |

April 9, 2010: STC Scholarship Fundraiser at the Squeeze Inn |

April 17, 2010: STC Anniversary Dinner |

April 24, 2010: Stockton Asparagus Festival |

May 2, 2010: TCI Coast to Coast Toast at Harry’s |

May 8, 2010: Second Saturday Art Walk |

May 15, 2010: Goods and Services Auction |

May 16, 2010 – Port Costa Jamboree |

May 21-24, 2010: Yosemite Weekend |

June 6, 2010: KVIE Pledge Drive |

June 19, 2010: Liver Lover’s Dinner at Jeff’s |

June 24, 2010: TCI Convention in New Orleans |

June 25, 2010: TCI Convention in New Orleans |

June 26, 2010: TCI Convention in New Orleans |

June 27, 2010: TCI Convention in New Orleans |

June 28, 2010: TCI Convention in New Orleans |

June 29, 2010: TCI Convention in New Orleans |

July 24, 2010: Sac Zoo Ice Cream Safari |

August 28 2010: Member Appreciation Party |

October 2010, Business Meeting |

November 2010, Thanksgiving at Bob and Patty’s |

November 2010, Turkey Trot Fundraiser |

December 2010, Fair Oaks Christmas Parade |

January 2009, New Year’s Party |

February 2009, Super Bowl Watch Party |

March 2009, Liver Lover’s Party |

March 2009, St Patrick’s Day Parade in Old Sacramento with Miss TI |

March 2009, St Patrick’s Day Party at Bob & Patty’s |

April 2009, Anniversary Party |

April 2009, Newsletter Put-Out & Carla’s Birthday |

May 2009, Goods & Services Auction |

May 2009, Bike Ride along American River |

May 2009, All Tall Florida Weekend |

May 2009, Memorial Day Pool Party at Harry’s |

May 2009, Sacramento Tall Club’s squares for the TCI quilt |

May 2009, Yosemite Weekend |

June 2009, Beverly Hillbillies go to Hawaii Pool Party |

July 2009, July 4th party at Bob & Patty’s |

July 2009, Camino Dancing |

July 2009, Concert in Fair Oaks Park |

July 2009, Scholarship brunch at Gary & Mary’s |

June 2009, TCI Convention in Las Vegas |

July 2009, Zoo Volunteers |

August 2009, Houseboat Weekend |

August 2009, Member Appreciation Party |

August 2009, Pirate Day |

August 2009, RETC Apple Picking Party |

August 2009, TCSV Member Appreciation Party |

August 2009, Zydeco Dancing Along Garden Hwy |

October 2009, Chili Cook-off & Beer Tasting |

October 2009, School of Coordinates Geocaching |

October 2009, Newsletter Gathering |

November 2009, Thanksgiving at Bob & Patty’s Place |

December 2009, California Auto Museum |

December 2009, Fair Oaks Christmas parade |

December 2009, Holiday Party |

May 2008, Second Saturday Art Walk |

February 2008, Chinese New Year Parade |

February 2008, Gold Rush Casino & Flannel Party |

February 2008, Super Bowl |

May 2008, Scholarship Winner |

May 2008, Yosemite |

June 2008, House Boat Weekend at New Melones Lake |

Sometime in 2008, River Clean-up |

July 2008, Pool Party at Harry’s |

July 2008, TCI Convention in Long Beach |

July 2008, Ice Cream Safari at the Sacramento Zoo |

August 2008, RETC Apple Picking Party |

August 2008, Fair Oaks Concert in the Park |

August 2008, Gold Medal Reception for Stephanie Brown Trafton |

August 2008, Hot August Nights in Reno |

August 2008, Margaritaville Party at Mikki’s |

September 2008, Member Appreciation Party |

September 2008, Las Vegas Club Weekend |

October 2008, Night at the Drive-in |

November 2008, TCSV/GGTT Anniversary Dinner |

November 2008, Port Costa Tall Jamboree |

November 2008, Thanksgiving with Bob & Patty |

December 2008, Fair Oaks Christmas Parade |

December 2008, Christmas Party at Dave & LeeAnn’s |

April 2007, Casino Brunch |

May 2007, Houseboating |

May 2007, Yosemite |

June 2007, Pre-Convention on the Oregon Coast |

July 1 2007, TCI Convention in Portland |

July 2 2007, TCI Convention in Portland |

July 3 2007, TCI Convention in Portland |

July 4 2007, TCI Convention in Portland |

July 5 2007, TCI Convention in Portland |

July 6 2007, TCI Convention in Portland |

July 2007, TCI Convention in Portland Scavenger Hunt |

July 2007, Scholarship Award |

September 2007, Echo Lake |

September 2007, Member Appreciation Party |

September 2007, Las Vegas |

October 2007, Port Costa |

October 2007, Stockton Thunder Game |

November 2007, Art Walk |

December 2007, Fair Oaks Parade |

December 2007, Christmas Party |

February 2006, Super Bowl |

April 2006, Anniversary Dinner and Dance |

May 2006, Echo Lake Weekend |

May 2006, Yosemite |

June 2006, Business Meeting |

June 2006, Houseboating |

July 2006, TCI Pre-Con and Convention in Orlando Florida |

July 2006, Pool Party and Scholarship Award |

August 2006, State Fair |

September 2006, Member Appreciation Party |

September 2006, Las Vegas |

October 2006, Port Costa |

October 2006, GGTT Anniversary Dinner |

October 2006, Halloween |

December 2006, Christmas Party |

February 2005, Super Bowl |

March 2005, Flannel Party |

March 2005, St. Patrick’s Day Parade |

April 2005, Anniversary Dinner and Dance |

May 2005, Luau |

May 2005, Yosemite |

June 2005, Houseboat Weekend |

June 2005, Zoo Parent |

July 2005, Pre-Convention |

July 4, 2005, TCI Convention |

July 5, 2005, TCI Convention |

July 6, 2005, TCI Convention |

July 7, 2005, TCI Convention |

July 8, 2005, TCI Convention |

July 9, 2005, TCI Convention |

September 2005, Port Costa |

October 2005, Fish Hatchery |

October 2005, Hot Nights Party |

November 2005, Tall Fall Ball |

November 2005, House Party |

January 2004, Super Bowl |

February 2004, Anniversary Dinner and Dance |

March 2004, T.G.I.F. |

May 2004, Cliff House |

May 2004, Isleton |

May 2004, Jazz Festival |

May 2004, Luau |

May 2004, Bobby McGees |

May 2004, Yosemite |

July 2004, TCI Convention |

August 2004, Tall Olympics |

August 2004, Scholarship Awards |

September 2004, Houseboating |

September 2004, Lake Tahoe |

September 2004, Wine Tasting |

October 2004, Port Costa |

October 2004, Mexican Cruise |

October 2004, Salt Point Camping |

October 2004, Tall Fall Ball |

December 2004, Christmas Party |

December 31, 2002: New Years Eve Party at the Doubletree |

December 31, 2002: New Years Eve Party at Barbara K’s house |

December 14, 2002: STC Holiday Party at Rac’s House |

December 8, 2002: Wine and Pine tour and Chili Cook-off |

December 6, 2002: STC Business Meeting and TGIF |

November 22, 2002: TGIF – Elk Grove Sports Bar & Grill |

November 10, 2002: Trip to the Warehouse in Port Costa |

November 9, 2002: STC Goods and Services Auction |

November 8, 2002: Business Meeting (and Movie night) |

November 2, 2002: Tour of Russian River and Dry Creek Appellation |

October 12, 2002: Member Appreciation Party |

October 4-6, 2002: Salt Point State Park |

September 28, 2002: Tall Fall Ball |

September 12-15, 2002: Las Vegas Convention |

September 8, 2002: Business Meeting Brunch |

September 7, 2002: Cool September Eve Party |

August 30 thru September 2, 2002: GGTT’s Survivor Weekend |

August 3, 2002: RETC’s Apple Picking Party |

July 13, 2002: Post-Convention Hangover Pool Party & Barbecue |

July 5, 2002: TCI Convention, After-Hours |

July 5, 2002: TCI Convention, Entertainment Extravaganza |

July 5, 2002: TCI Convention, Poolside |

July 5, 2002: TCI Convention, Wine Tasting Trip |

July 4, 2002: TCI Convention, Red, White and Blue After-Hours |

July 4, 2002: TCI Convention, Cal Expo BBQ, Games and Fireworks |

July 2, 2002: TCI Convention, Hollywood Doubles |

July 2, 2002: TCI Convention, Trip to Lake Tahoe |

July 1, 2002: TCI Convention, Mr. Toga Party |

June 30, 2002: TCI Convention, Queen Contestants Relaxing |

June 2002: June Business Meeting/Hawaiian Party + TGIF at Zagato’s |

May 10, 2002: TGIF at Cafe Capri |

May 4, 2002: Cinco de Mayo Party at Harry’s |

April 26, 2002: TGIF at Sacramento Brewing Company |

April 19-21, 2002: Sacramento Total Home Show |

April 13, 2002: Anniversary Dinner and Dance |

March 23, 2002: Tall Ships Tour at Jack London Square |

March 16, 2002: Queen’s Pageant and Toga Party |

February 23, 2002: Stone Soup and Flannel Party |

February 10, 2002: Joe Cain Parade in Nevada City |

February 1-3, 2002: TCSV Reno Fun Train Trip |

January 4, 2002: Business Meeting |

December 31, 2001: New Year’s Eve at Gary and Mary’s house |

December 26, 2001: Christmas Party |

November 17, 2001: Goods and Services Auction |

October 26, 2001: Halloween Party at Barb’s Bordello |

October 21, 2001: Sunday Afternoon at Port Costa |

October 13, 2001: Tall Fall Ball |

September 29, 2001: Oc-TALL-BEER-fest at Craig and Mary C’s |

September 1-3, 2001: Labor Day weekend at Wally B’s cabin in Lake Tahoe |

August 25, 2001: Guinea Pig Gourmet Dinner Party at Steph’s |

August 23, 2001: TGIF at Virgin Sturgeon |

August 4 & 5, 2001: Apple Picking in Sebastopol |

July 27-29, 2001: Icehouse Camping Trip |

July 21, 2001: Pool Party at Fred and Sharon Heaters new house |

July 15, 2001: Six Flags at Marine World |

July 14, 2001: Folsom Art Walk |

June 23, 2001: Rummage Sale At Frank’s |

June 16, 2001: Pool Party at Harry’s House |

Memorial Day 2001, Houseboat Weekend: Space Odyssey Theme |