2015 Scholarship Winner

Carli is with her mom Lynette, along with STC representatives Patty Huggett and Bob Huggett

Carli is with her mom Lynette, along with STC representatives Patty Huggett and Bob Huggett

The Sacramento Tall Club is pleased to announce the winner of the 2015 Sacramento Tall Club Memorial Scholarship award to Carli Million from Lodi High School. Carli was selected for her academics, community and school involvement, and for writing an essay on “What Being Tall Means to me”. Winners of Sacramento Tall Club scholarships must also meet club height requirements of 5’10” for women and 6’2” for men.

She was presented with her scholarship award at last week’s Senior Awards Ceremony at Lodi High School.

For more information on Sacramento Tall Club and scholarship opportunities for high school seniors and continuing education students, visit their web page at www.sacramentotallclub.org
